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Why CMOs Need to Pay Attention to AI [Report]

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Artificial intelligence is expected to create trillions in value in marketing. But few CMOs and marketing leaders understand its full potential. And even fewer know how to adopt the technology effectively.

They need to start learning.

AI is increasingly seen by heads of companies as absolutely critical to making company-wide digital transformation successful. AI technologies—such as chatbots, voice technologies, and natural language processing (NLP)—are championed by a whopping 82% of CEOs at companies that outperform their peers, says IBM. A full 86% of professionals surveyed by PwC (71% of them C-suite) say AI is going mainstream at their company.

That’s because AI is now highly accessible to non-engineers and non-technical leaders. It's already being deployed by forward-thinking companies to grow revenue, make smarter decisions, and improve customer experiences. And it’s getting results: An increasing number of firms surveyed by McKinsey say at least 5% of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) are attributable to AI.

This is where the opportunity for CMOs comes in. Because AI’s top use case is in marketing, and it’s expected to have a $1.4 to $2.6 trillion impact in marketing and sales alone, says McKinsey.

How Can AI Help CMOs?

With the right data, AI gives marketers unprecedented capabilities.

These capabilities include performing a range of artificially intelligent tasks that have the potential to turn any brand into a customer experience powerhouse, including:

  • Planning: Building intelligent strategies.
  • Production: Creating intelligent content.
  • Personalization: Powering intelligent consumer experiences.
  • Promotion: Managing intelligent cross-channel promotions.
  • Performance: Turning data into intelligence.

Wherever data lives in a marketing organization (or the company as a whole), AI has the power to use that data to supercharge a range of tasks, including:

  • Accelerate revenue growth.
  • Create personalized consumer experiences at scale.
  • Drive costs down.
  • Generate greater return on investment (ROI).
  • Get more actionable insights from marketing data.
  • Predict consumer needs and behaviors with greater accuracy. 
  • Reduce time spent on repetitive, data-driven tasks.
  • Shorten the sales cycle.
  • Unlock greater value from marketing technologies.

And by applying AI to just one area of marketing, you have the opportunity to both improve performance and catalyze wider digital transformation. 

How to Get Started with AI

So, where do you start with AI?

We created a report to help CMOs do exactly that.

It’s called AI for CMOs: The Real-World Playbook for Digital Transformation, and it will show you exactly how to use AI to personalize at scale.

In it, you’ll find a comprehensive playbook to understand, adopt, and scale AI—written specifically for CMOs and marketing leaders. In fact, once you read the report, you’ll:

  • Fully understand artificial intelligence and the opportunity it presents in a clear, non-technical way.
  • Discover 50+ use cases for AI in marketing across advertising, analytics, content marketing, customer experience, ecommerce, email marketing, social media marketing, and SEO.
  • Learn a proprietary 10-step framework to adopt and scale AI at your company.

And the advice inside comes directly from industry experts at Marketing AI Institute, the leaders in AI education for marketers, and Persado, a top marketing AI technology company.

There’s no fluff. No hype. No jargon. Just actionable knowledge you can fully understand and implement, starting right now.

Click below to get the report—before your competition does.

Get the Report

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