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Pandata's AI Design Guide and Workbook Helps You Use and Scale AI the Right Way

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Pandata AI Design Guide and Workbook: https://pandata.co/scaling-ai-guide/I think we can all agree that AI is exciting, but that means it can also be a little intimidating.

Whether you are just getting started or looking to scale AI, there is no one size fits all solution. So often we hear, “our organization has data, but we don’t know where to get started.”

See this as an opportunity.

According to the 2021 State of Marketing AI Report, published by Marketing AI Institute and Drift, 65% of those polled were still researching AI and 70% said lack of education and training were barriers to their organization adopting AI.

Whether it is accelerating growth, getting more actionable insights out of your data, increasing efficiencies, automating mundane and repetitive tasks, or even shortening the sales cycle, with AI the possibilities are endless if we know how to use it.

At Pandata, we believe in human-centered, approachable AI. Growing your business should not be hampered by trying to understand dense data science and AI concepts and jargon. As marketers, our role is to innovate and differentiate our brand. Most of us are too taxed to get in the weeds with the constant developments in marketing technology. We need to be able to be able to vet and move quickly towards a solution.

Enter the AI Design Guide and Workbook, a guide to help you scale AI the right way.

It will help you navigate the process of identifying critical assumptions to inform the feasibility and utility of an AI project, as well as helping you learn the why and how your organization can use and scale AI practically to solve business problems. 

The guide consists of three parts:

  • Overview
  • Methods
  • Risk Management

Each part includes questions you should ask, with illustrated examples and a blank worksheet template so that you can provide the completed sheet to your data science team or AI design and development firm.

This allows you to make a human-centered and informed decision about your proposed pilot.

Click here to get the guide free.

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