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How to Become a Next-Gen Marketing Leader [Workshop]

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Wondering how to get started with AI? Take our on-demand Piloting AI for Marketers Series.

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From email subject line graders to AI-powered image generators, we marketers live in an era where technology brings both opportunity and uncertainty. There are hundreds of marketing AI tools, with more being created every day.  

As this technology evolves, so too should your marketing.

At the Marketing AI Conference (MAICON) 2022, Mike Kaput will guide you through how to become a next-generation marketing leader—one that understands and leverages marketing AI for success.

About the Next-Gen Marketing Leader Workshop (Register Here)

AI creates opportunities for marketing leaders to reshape their strategies, processes, and teams to deliver unprecedented results, but it also presents its own set of challenges. In the Next-Gen Marketing Leader workshop, you'll learn why these technologies are so transformative, and how to go about implementing them within your organization.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • The prerequisites and data needed to jumpstart an AI-based project.
  • How to identify quick-win pilot projects within your marketing department.
  • How to expand these efforts throughout your organization through internal processes, knowledge transfer, and best practice development.

Leave this workshop more equipped to lead your organization to success.

Meet Mike Kaput

Mike Kaput is the Chief Content Officer at Marketing AI Institute. Kaput uses content marketing, marketing strategy, and marketing technology to grow and scale traffic, leads, and revenue for Marketing AI Institute. An avid writer, Kaput has published hundreds of articles on how to use AI in marketing to increase revenue and reduce costs. Kaput is the co-author of Marketing Artificial Intelligence: AI, Marketing and the Future of Business (Matt Holt Books, 2022). He is also the author of Bitcoin in Plain English, a beginner’s guide to the world’s most popular cryptocurrency. 

Connect with Mike

Content from Mike  

Step-by-Step: How to Get Started with Marketing AI 

As artificial intelligence in marketing continues to grow, you’ll find a number of vendors, tools, and use cases for marketing AI. But, where do you start? In this guide, Mike shares helpful steps and tools to get started with AI. Visit the Marketing AI Institute blog to check out all marketing AI articles written by Mike.

Join Mike and hundreds of other next-gen marketers at MAICON 2022 Aug 3-5, 2022 to learn how you can start successfully leveraging AI in your business.

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